Red Pitaya at the core of SMU's signal processing classes
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Red Pitaya Team

In the past two years, Red Pitaya has put a special effort into supporting universities around the world in teaching more effectively during these challenging times. We have done this by preparing different initiatives such as free e-books, teaching material and video teaching material for students and professors.
When COVID and lockdowns struck in 2020, SMU was one of the universities that did not sit idly but went into action and organized their Digital Signal Processing classes to be run remotely using Red Pitaya. This enabled students to still have a laboratory on their desk even if they were at home and not miss a beat. When the laboratories reopened, this enabled students to each work on their own piece of equipment individually which increased their productivity.
At SMU, students are introduced to signal analysis using MATLAB®, and signal acquisition/processing using the Red Pitaya STEMlab 125-10 boards. Students are additionally exposed to multiple applications of signal analysis and system design using MATLAB and the Red Pitaya STEMlab.

The teaching material from one of the top US universities consists of these lessons:
1. Intro to Red Pitaya
2. Waveform analysis with Red Pitaya
3. Modulation with Red Pitaya
4. Frequency response of LTI systems
5. Brief tour of non-linear systems
6. Digital filtering on Red Pitaya
7. FIR & IIR filters on Red Pitaya
Use the exact material SMU used for their lessons with examples and solutions! Download here.
We recently held a webinar where we talked with guest speakers from Dartmouth and Southern Methodist University about the use of Red Pitaya for their signal processing classes and research. Watch it here.