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New Red Pitaya Beta OS v1.04-11

Dear Red Pitaya reader,

today we have great news to share with you! 

New Red Pitaya Beta OS v1.04-11 for STEMlab 125-14, STEMlab 125-14-Z7020, STEMlab 125-10 and SDRlab 122-16 is now available for download. 

What is new? 

  • Spectrum analyzer got new features (improved spectrum resolution, added more windowing functions, units, scaling's and more) 
  • SCPI server speed was improved 
  • Signal generator frequency. Sweep & burst generator support added
  • Bode Analyzer gain & phase calculation algorithms have been improved on speed and precision
  • A command-line tool that enables the user to disable LEDs blinking and lower RF noise to its minimum
  • Other general improvements & bug fixes
  • Added more acquisition decimation options
  • Fixed trigger bug for an oscilloscope that appeared at very slow signals 
  • Fixed issues with LA triggering
  • Fixed averaging after signal decimation
  • OS updated notifications 

GET FREE OS v1.04-11*

New Red Pitaya Beta OS v1.04-27 for SIGNALlab 250-12 is also here!

What is new? 

  • Spectrum analyzer got new features (improved spectrum resolution, added more windowing functions, units, scaling's and more)
  • SCPI server speed was improved
  • Signal generator frequency Sweep & burst generator support added
  • Bode Analyzer gain & phase calculation algorithms have been improved on speed and precision
  • Other general improvements & bug fixes
  • Added more acquisition decimation options
  • Fixed trigger bug for an oscilloscope that appeared at very slow signals 
  • Fixed averaging after signal decimation
  • OS updated notifications 

GET FREE OS v.1.04-27*

*Notice that full SD card installation is required and it is recommended to clear browser cache after installation. 

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