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15 Top Electrical Engineering Websites (You’d Want To Bookmark)

How would one find a good source for getting news, inspiration and help for engineering projects? Going through piles of books takes a lot of time and effort. Endless Googling can be very time consuming as well… After all these hours spent online searching for interesting content, we thought: “Wouldn’t it be great to have all the top resources grouped into this one convenient blog post?”

So, we rolled up our sleeves and prepared this list of the top electrical engineering websites. Every true electrical engineer will want these bookmarked for later sessions. You will find ideas for your future projects, help with projects you seem to be stuck with and a great base of knowledge you are yet to consume.

Latest News and Trends

To find out about the latest news and trends you should look no further than these guys. The topics covered are pretty much endless, with professional opinions on specific issues:

1) IEEE Spectrum
2) EE Times

For fresh ideas and ‘How-to’ instructions

Stuck searching for new ideas? Or, just feeling unable to finish one? These sites offer huge amounts of resources, supported with instructions on how to approach a specific problem or build a certain project.

3) Instructables

4) StackExchange

5) Makezine

6) Hackaday

7) EngineersGarage

Learn and earn a certificate

Want to learn something new and get a certificate for it? These websites include actual university courses that you can take on your own schedule. Complete your assessments, connect with fellow students and instructors.

8) EdX

9) Coursera

10) TutorialsPoint


We couldn’t really categorize these sites, but didn’t want to leave them out either. So, here they are. Our last four resources:

11) MathWorks

With it’s rich libraries and code examples, MathWorks is your MatLab partner!

12) Amateur Radio Stack Exchange

The first page of the World Wide Web for all true Radio Amateurs.

13) DesignSpark

‘The gateway to online resources and design support for engineers’

14) Element14

Interesting How-To« videos, design challenges and other interesting topics that can cause you to forget about time. You might want to get offline for a while and grab something to eat. The topics and resources within this online community are limitless.

15) Red Pitaya

Last but not least – the Red Pitaya blog. With content tailored for professional, as well as amateur users, we try to bring the magic of electrical engineering to every home and office.

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