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Logic Analyzer is bringing up the heat. Pre-order deal available!

Summertime always seems to write the best stories. This summer we have already written one ourselves and we want you to share it with us! Let us introduce our brand new product – Red Pitaya’s Logic Analyzer!

It’s been a sweaty couple of months for us. The hard work has really paid off as the first batch with 100 units literally vanished in just two hours! Did you miss it? Don’t worry. We are taking care of our community!

For everyone who missed the opportunity to get it now, we are keeping the promotional price of €59 (instead of regular price of €79) valid until 28 July for pre-orders. The pre-ordered units will be shipped on 15 August. Thanks to all of you for a great support!

The 8-channel Logic Analyzer extension board comes with probes and the Logic Analyzer Application, capable of decoding SPI, I2C, and UART signals. The price of only €59 even includes the ALU casing to bring your Logic Analyzer the best protection possible!

Don’t miss it! Pre-order your Logic Analyzer

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